A Night Gal Bra You Can Actually Afford

Being a girl can be hard sometimes. Whether your apartment feels totally disorganized or you need help removing a deodorant stain, these Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know have got you covered! These are some simple yet extremely helpful tips and tricks to make things easier.

1.Stop Your Bra From Showing

Sew in a bra strap clasp to your favorite shirt to avoid visible bra straps.

Photo via  Muy Ingenioso

How to Stop Your Bra From Showing. Sew in a bra strap clasp to your favorite shirt to avoid visible bra straps

2.Make a Bra Suitable for Backless Dress/Shirt

Tutorial via here

How to Make a Bra Suitable for Backless Dress:Shirt

3.DIY converter strap on your bra for your low-backed dresses

DIY converter strap on your bra for your low-backed dresses

DIY How to Make Low Bra Strap in 5 Minutes

4.Stop your strapless bra from falling down by securing it with a convertible bra.

Stop your strapless bra from falling down by securing it with a convertible bra

5.Using paper clip or Bra Strap Clip Hide Bra Straps

Using paper clip or Bra Strap Clip Hide Bra Straps

Adjustable Bra Strap Solution Cleavage Clips

6.Make yourself a magnificent backless bra

DIY Backless Bra

7.Remove wine stains using more wine

You read that right—you can remove red wine stains by using white wine! The white wine neutralizes the color of the red wine on your shirt, which allows the stain to be removed much more easily using traditional methods.

Tutorial via tidyhouse.info

Remove wine stains using more wine

8.Use a pumice stone or lint roller to de-fuzz a sweater

Tutorial via larkabout.wordpress.com

Use a pumice stone or lint roller to de-fuzz a sweater

9.How to break in your shoes in less than 2 minutes.

Step 1: Put on thick socks, and then your flats.
Step 2: Blow-dry your shoes around the tight sections for a few minutes.
Step 3: Keep your socks/flats on while it cools.
Step 4: Test them out; repeat process if you need them more stretched out.

Photo via coffeelightandsweet.com

how to break in your shoes in less than 2 minutes

10.Tape your third and fourth toe together to hack high heels.

Tape either your third and fourth (or second and third toes) together with medical tape or Scotch tape to lessen the pressure on the ball of your foot.

Tape either your third and fourth (or second and third toes) together with medical tape or Scotch tape to lessen the pressure on the ball of your foot.

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