A Tattoo So Good You Don’t Even Notice It

fingernail tatoo by eric catalano 1 A Tattoo So Good You Dont Even Notice It

Tattoo by Eric Catalano

A hyperrealistic tattoo by artist Eric Catalano has gone viral after appearing on social media.

Catalano, who runs the Eternal Ink Tattoo Studio in Hecker, Illinois did the tattoo for free and has since been overwhelmed with requests from amputees and cancer survivors for hyperrealistic tattoos.

Catalano says he does these kinds of tattoos for free every now and then but the recent viral image has completely spiralled out of control. In response, he set up a Go Fund Me page with the following story:

So I’ve been offering free tattoo services to survivors of amputation and cancer to make them feel whole again. I feel terrible charging the people who have already suffered pain and injury or battling life and death. They’ve already been through so much. And I just flat out refuse to make them pay to receive my services I cannot do it. But, here lately the vast amount of people needing my free services is expanding by the day. I’m now stuck in a new controversial internal battle, which is ignoring massive amounts of message from others who need my help because I still have to work and support my family. After lots and lots of pushing and pushing by people basically demanding me to get a funding site set up, I’m doing it. What this will allow is “angel” donations to pay me, for sufferers to receive their free tattoo work. Allowing me to help more and more people while still being able to support myself. If you can throw a little money at it, I can promise you’re helping one more person get in the door. Thank you!

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